Farquhar Blog: 21 – 28 April 2014
Cuba regular Richard French brought a group of his most loyal clientele to join us this week. Aside from one guests from Canada, one from Ireland and one from Slovakia, a large portion of the group were Southern Old Boys, from Kentucky. We restocked the fridge!
It was a week of good humor, with Bill Blodgett Senior keeping the guides chuckling throughout the trip. There was also a good consistent breeze throughout the week, which meant the water stayed cobalt blue and cold throughout. The Bumpies were in full force at the beginning of the week and Brendan managed to get Bill Snr a beauty on the day one. Keith Williams also enjoyed a great start to the trip but landing his fly perfectly next to pitch black GT that was piggy backing a stingray in the surf. Four other GTs were landed over the course of the week, with Randal’s fish in particular worth a special mention. The gorgeous fish measured 101cm and earned him the highly coveted “100 Club GT Hat”. Steve, David, Bill Snr also managed to get their GT’s which in truth was a really solid effort after some really strange behavior many of the from this usually aggressive species.
Our guests also experienced some really solid Bonefish fishing throughout, with some truly memorable sessions occurring on and around Dipose. Sometimes taken for granted on Farquhar, we have certainly experienced some great Bonefishing this season, with the average size being larger than in previous seasons.
Triggers proved challenging this week, with only Steve managing to bring one to hand, a lovely Yellow Margin. Those of you who have cast to Triggers know how freakishly spooky they can be and so each and every one is much cherished. An assortment of other flats and reef species were landed during the trip including a large Napoleon Wrasse caught by David Anchel.
Our guides enjoyed the week immensely with our new friends really soaking up this great atoll and fishery. Thank you to all of you for your hard work on the flats and for your good will and humor off them.
Next week is our last for the season, and if it’s just as much fun, we’ll certainly end the season off on a high note!