Providence Blog: 19 – 26 Nov 2019

Providence Blog: 19 – 26 November 2019

Welcome to the fourth fishing week of the 2019-2020 Providence Atoll fishing season. We welcomed  a couple of familiar faces and set sail from Farquhar for the north west section of the atoll.


The first day dawned gloomy albeit calm and glassy. With an early morning pushing tide the boats set out. A total of 7 GTs was landed for the day with Vadim, Maxim, Sergey G, Mike, Igor and Alex landing a fish each for the day. Vladimir managed to land the first Triggerfish for the week, a large Yellow Margin Triggerfish coming to hand.


The second day dawned clear with a light south easterly breeze. After an exceptional day of GT fishing, 19 fish came to hand. Vladimir, Sergey, Mike, Alex and Igor managed to capitalize on the opportunities presented and landed many fish. After a quick fishing session on feeding Milkfish, Rob managed to hook and land the first Milkfish for the week, well done Rob.


The third day saw clear skies and a slight south easterly breeze. Again, another exceptional day of GT fishing was enjoyed by all, with 14 fish being landed. Sergey G, Mike, Alex, Igor, Vadim, Maxim, Sergey G and Vladimir managed to all catch fish. The fish of the day went to Vladimir who after stationing  up on a cut in the flat, saw a school of six GTs move into the shallow water. After presenting the fly it was hounded down and engulfed by the lead fish. The fish stripped a lot of backing through a lagoon before it was subdued and measured at 111cm. It was a GT of a lifetime, well done Vladimir. Vladimir also had a stellar day on the tailing Triggerfish, landing four fish for the morning. Vadim was not finished either and managed to land his first Triggerfish for the trip. A rare event later unfolded as Mike and his guide managed to hook and land a Milkfish that was tailing in the shallows of the flat, bringing the Milkfish tally to 2 for the week. A very special moment!

The fourth day dawned clear with a stiff south easterly breeze. With the green fan tails of the Bumpies appearing on the flats the group of guests managed to land 4 fish for the day. Vladimir, Sergey, Vadim and Rob managed to land a fish each. A total of 9 GTs were also landed for the day with Alex, Mike and Rob doing the damage. Alex also managed to land his first Triggerfish, netting a Moustache Triggerfish.

The fifth day dawned gloomy and with a stiff south easterly breeze. With an early morning neap low tide the boats set out.  The clients managed to capitalize on the tailing species with 2 Bumpies and 1 Triggerfish being landed. Vladimir and Vadim managed to land a Bumpie each following which Vadim landed a big Moustache Triggerfish as well. The sole GT of the day went to Alex.


The final day of the trip brought again gloomy skies with a stiff south easterly breeze. Dennis managed to land the first Sailfish of the week, his second following shortly afterwards. A total of 2 GTs were landed for the day, one going to Mike and the other going to Vladimir. Vadim managed to land his 3rd Bumpie for the week. This brought to a close another highly enjoyable and successful week out on Providence!

Stats for the week were as follows:

  • GTs – 54
  • Milkfish – 6
  • Triggerfish – 11
  • Sailfish – 2
  • Bumpies – 7
  • Other species – 263

Yours in fishing,

The Providence Guide Team

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