Location X – 2011 Client Report Back by Dr Petrus Gous

Location X May 2011 (1)Our huge anticipation of visiting Location X in the panhandle area of Florida, was only exceeded by the quality of the actual fishery, with all six anglers seeing significant numbers of huge tarpon on a daily basis, (e.g. one day each of the three skiffs saw more than 250 cruising fish each), and although we cast to many fish, we could only seduce and feed 15 tarpon with the fly, with the biggest fish brought to the boat in the order of 130 pounds. These big tarpon (most of them being at least 30 to 40 years old) must have seen many flies during their lifetimes, and we had to be technically perfect in our presentation of the flies to entice a bite, but once hooked, the silver kings jumped themselves into our memories forever!

Location X May 2011 (2)The local guides were excellent, and fishing from skiffs also revealed another angling dimension to our party whom were all used to wading the tropical flats for our saltwater game fish! Most of the anglers had fished several of the Indian Ocean islands before, and have experience of remote, pristine environments, and yet we were amazed by the potential of this fishery in the Apalachicola area! We found it difficult to comprehend that despite the proximity of the local people, the fishery was in such an excellent, unspoilt condition!

Location X May 2011Our 10 day stint in “Redneck” country was a wonderful experience, not only for the exciting fishing, but also for the local fare! We incidentally also caught some Ladyfish (Skipjack), Bluefish (Elf), Sea Trout and Jack Crevalle. Depending on the tides and weather conditions, we fished the Cape St Blas area or the Lanark Reef areas, hunting for and casting to both migratory and resident oceanic tarpon. All of us are still haunted by these magnificent Tarpon, especially by the many that got away! Despite having previously caught huge GT’s, Permit and Bonefish, we were unanimous in our praise for the Tarpon as the ultimate saltwater game fish, and all would like to visit the area again to explore all it has to offer!!!! Thanks to Gerhard for an unforgettable trip!

Location X May 2011 (4)TARPON

(Or not having to actually land a tarpon to still get the full exhilaration…)

The silver king is holding court

And I have been invited:

But one can only cast the line

Once the sovereign is sighted

And if I then still don’t connect

Upon the fly alighted

But yet confront the royal rush

And not the least feel slighted –

Then I, as commoner arrived,

Upon my leave be knighted….

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