Farquhar Blog: 23-30 Nov 2016

s0402129Welcome back to another action packed week of fly fishing on Farquhar Atoll! As per normal we were joined by 12 very excited anglers, including a group of six from AOS Fly Fishing hosted by Stephan and Alex Haider of Austria, regular guests and friends Gerhard and Angelika, as well as Mikko, Ville, George and Tim. Their excitement was clearly evident as they disembarked the plane and knowing the atoll is really fishing well we could not wait to get them out onto the water.

c16a6611Day 1 – We had a promising start when Ville landed a solid Golden Trevally just as the tide had started to push. Never an easy fish to get due to the speed they move across the flats, Ville had done well by getting ahead of them and making a good presentation with his crab pattern before the fish tailed hard onto the fly. The GTs are still around in solid numbers and we managed to capitalise on a few of the shots we had early on. Congratulations to George for landing his first one ever on fly of 84 cm, Stephan for his fish of 96 cm and to Alex on landing our first meter plus fish. The fish which measured 109 cm had come through the surf onto a white sand flat and had no hesitation in charging in and eating a well cast and fished fly. After a few heart stopping moments the prize fish came to hand. So with some good Bluefin Trevally thrown in to the mix, a really great start to the week!

dscf1116Day 2 – The surf has really been producing some incredible Bonefishing and it was no exception on Day 2. Good numbers, including some tailing fish were enjoyed by the guests who fished these areas. Although we saw good numbers of GTs on the day as well, we didn’t manage to convert the opportunities which did come our way. The Sailfish are still around in solid numbers due to the clear blue water still present on the atoll. We managed to raise a few as well, with Waltraud capitalising and getting her second one on fly. The bommie bashing continued to produce exciting fishing for a range of species, all of whom make Farquhar a species addicts paradise.

sam_2787Day 3 – We started off with some tough sighting conditions with some early morning rain and cloudy conditions. Despite the weather we still managed to get some good fish to hand. Amongst a host of other species landed during the day we managed to get a couple of good sized GTs after they had been seen smashing baitfish in the surf. The Triggers too continue to provide exciting fishing!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADay 4 – The tricky light conditions continued on our fourth day, but we managed to pull out some good GTs. There were a few more Bumpies around which was nice to see, but despite us hooking a couple their powerful runs and vice like beaks won these battles. The Triggers were also around happily tailing on the flats in the low light and we managed to hook four of these cunning little critters. Some super skinny water Bonefishing rounded off another very productive day on the atoll.

dscf2139Day 5 – The weather had improved on Day 5 as we woke to clear skies. We were therefore keen to head out to some areas that fish really well on the incoming spring tides. The result was some good GT action! Special mention must go to Michael for landing the second meter plus fish of the week. A special fish in some many ways, his 110 cm is now his personal best and will not be forgotten in a hurry. We also managed to land a cracking Sailfish, Tim’s 190cm specimen thrilling all who witnessed the take and fight before being tagged and safely released. All in all a really enjoyable day out!

imgp0037Day 6 – Our last day had arrived and with some great tides on offer, we were all excited to end off on a good note. One boat opted to fish offshore for the morning and were nearly rewarded when Gerorge hooked into and witnessed a +/-60kg Striped Marlin tail walking across the ocean. A spectacular event to be a part of no doubt, however hopes were crushed right in the death as the fish slowly neared the boat only for the fly to pop out meters away from it being landed. Robert did however manage to get a good sized Wahoo on the fly which is always cool. Congratulations must however go to to Mikko for landing three GT’s during the day, including our third meter plus fish for the week. Our good news did not stop there though as Tim and Angelika landed their first ever GT’s, with fish of 86 cm and 85 cm respectively. So in the end we enjoyed another week of great fishing on Farquhar. It is really good to be back on this very special place and we look forward to more great fishing during the weeks to follow.

The Farquhar Guide Team

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