Providence Blog: 21-28 March 2023

The third week of our season saw us welcome a full group of completely new faces, both to the Indian Ocean and to Providence Atoll. The buzz of excitement reverberated through our mothership as we prepped everyone’s gear for the 6 days of flats fishing nirvana that lay before us.

The first day saw our group exposed to fly fishing for Giant Trevally for the first time and thankfully most were well-versed Tarpon fishermen. This made their learning experience quick and seamless with a return of 10 GTs landed for the day. In addition to the GTs landed during the first day of fishing was a powerful Napoleon Wrasse, which had Paul hanging onto his gear for dear life! A successful first day out for our new friends, well-done guys!

Day 2 and our group took to this new fly fishing environment like a duck to water, landing an impressive 23 GTs, 3 of which trophies measuring 100cm plus for the day. Will converted 4 while his boat partners, Miles and Heath landed 2 and 6 respectively. A special mention to Heath who managed to land 2 massive GTs measuring 111cm and 123cm which is an outstanding achievement. Great job, Heath! Lane also found himself in big fish territory and managed to land a powerful 101cm GT! Paul, the only angler to come right on the tailing species front managed to land an enormous Moustache Triggerfish.

The 3rd day had us all in hot pursuit of Providence’s larger Giant Trevally. Our intentions were clear and although only 8 GTs were landed for the day most of them were of real quality. Paul found himself in the right place at the right time and connected to an absolute brute of a GT that measured 127cm. A very special catch, well done Paul! Heath kept his 100cm breaking streak going with a beautiful 104cm specimen while his boat partner, Tom managed to match this catch with another of 104cm… great job guys! George closed the tally for the day with a powerful GT that fell just shy of the meter mark in the early evening of the 3rd day.

Day 4 dawned with ominous cloud banks and sheets of continuous rain which settled in for most of the day. Despite the exceptionally tricky fishing conditions our group still managed to convert a few catches of note including 1 Bumphead Parrotfish and 4 GTs for the day. Health managed to land his very first Bumpie while Scott, Tom, and David shared the spoils on the trevally front.

The penultimate day of the week saw us battle the conditions again, with tricky light and winds circulating around the compass. While the light switched on and off sporadically throughout the day, our guests still managed to make the most of their opportunities with Lane and Tom landing 2 GTs each. Scott had been fascinated by the sightings of Bumphead Parrotfish during the fishing days prior and finally managed to get himself connected to 1 of these powerful creatures. His Bumpie, an absolute monster stretched the measuring tape all the way to 121cm! An epic catch, and a special moment shared on the flats. Well done guys! Will however enjoyed the variety available on Providence and went onto land a slam that consisted of 2 GTs, a Triggerfish, and a Bumphead Parrotfish.

The 6th and final fishing day saw the conditions improve dramatically. Heath had his sights set on the Milkfish which was the last of the species left on his hitlist to tick off, which he did, in fine fashion. The Bumphead Parrotfish were seen in good numbers and our group set out for them with determined vigor. David and Lane were the lucky anglers to taste success on this front landing 1 each for the day. Miles landed the only Triggerfish for the day while Tom, George, and Bo enjoyed a flurry of action for the atoll’s resident Giant Trevally.

This brings another truly enjoyable week of fly fishing on Providence Atoll to an end. It was a pleasure for our team to share this experience with a group of newcomers, who we’re sure will soon become familiar friends in the future.

Our catch tally for the third week was:

  • 65 GTs (6 over 100cm)
  • 7 Bumphead Parrotfish
  • 4 Triggerfish
  • 1 Milkfish
  • 243 other species
  • 2 Napoleon Wrasse

Till next week,

The FlyCastaway Guide Team

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