Providence Blog: 24 – 31 October 2023
The second week of the Providence season was upon us, and with it, a fresh group of anglers including some newcomers and some familiar faces. The variables looked good with exceptional weather, sunshine and little wind.
We headed out with urgency on the first morning to make the most of tides and the species that frequent the flats under these conditions. As such we focused on the tailing species and mother and son team of Wendy and Mike, joined by Matt capitalized early, landing 6 very good bonefish between the 3 of them. Matt also did very well in landing his first yellow-margin triggerfish. Well done, Matt! Dave and Steve also got stuck into the bonefish, as well as the triggers going on to land 15 bones, 2 triggers between the pair – An awesome way to start the week!
The second day saw a vast improvement on the GT front with most of the group off the mark with a few good fish. Gary landed 2 GTs, while his boat partners John, and Ed, landed 1 apiece. A special mention for Anthony who managed to land his first GT ever on the fly, a special feeling and moment shared between him and his guide. The rest of the group managed to chip in with 4, bringing the day’s tally to 9 GTs landed. To top off the improved GT fishing was the exceptional fishing we experienced in the coral gardens with loads of line-ripping grouper and snapper brought to hand.
The third day gifted us with more sun and little wind. The team of Gary, Ed, and John did very well for the day, landing 6 GTs between them, including a massive 114 cm fish caught while it patrolled the edge of a vast sandy flat. The man of the hour was Gary, who made a great cast into the wind to intercept this giant! Joe also joined the 1-meter club by landing himself a beautiful 102 cm GT while Matt over on the sandy stretch wasn’t to be left out and connected to and eventually landed a 102 cm GT as well. Well done, gentleman! This brought our day’s tally to 12 GTs landed, with 3 measuring over that fabled 100 cm mark.
The weather began to take a turn for the worse during the fourth day, but the GT fishing certainly didn’t. In the thick of the action yet again, the team of Ed, Gary and John, managed to land 7 Giant Trevally all measuring in the 80 to mid-90s range. Wendy and Mike shared the spoils during their day by landing 1 each with Wendy’s being her first of the trip and her personal best. Well done, Wendy! Ron had indicated that he really wanted a bumpy and on this day he got his chance. He fished at several large schools and catastrophically lost all 4 bumpies… That’s how it goes with those mean green machines.
We enjoyed favourable conditions for Giant Trevally during day 5 and therefore focused our efforts almost entirely on this species. Mike, Wendy, and Matt had a busy day with loads of shots but only managed to land 1. Mike, unfortunately, lost a monster that managed to get snagged around some coral, the 1 that got away kind of story. Joe, Anthony, and Ken kept their good streak going and landed 6 fish very respectable GTs in the surf. Ron, Steve, and Dave all landed 1 GT each with Ron’s fish the standout catch for the day, measuring a whopping 112 cm! Well done, Ron.
We endured cloud cover and rain with terrible light and multiple storms rolling over the atoll during the 6th and final day of the week. Despite the adverse conditions, Ed, Gary, and John managed to land 5 GTs between them for the day. John joined the 1-meter club with a fin-perfect 111cm GT caught while waking the edge surf flat. Over on the other side of the atoll, team Anthony, Ken, and Joe manage to land 12 GTs between the three of them, with four a piece which made for a perfect end to their 2 week adventure to the outer atolls of Seychelles.
All in all a busy week with loads of Giant Trevally action. With most of the group staying on for another go at the atoll we felt excited about how things would go during week 3 of our season. Keep an eye out for this report.
Our catch tally for the week was:
- GT – 56 (5 over 100 cm & biggest 114 cm)
- Bonefish – 21
- Triggers – 4
- Total number of other fish landed – 296
Till next week,
The FlyCastaway guide team
Tags: Bonefish, Flats Fishing, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, G.Loomis Fly Rods, Giant Trevally, Permit, Providence Atoll, Seychelles, Sight Fishing, Wade Fly Reels