Farquhar Blog: 14-21 March 2018
Farquhar Blog: 14-21 March 2018 (Opening Week)
Our first trip of the season kicked off with full spring tides accompanied by some blustery conditions. Although it took some of the chaps to get into the groove due to the windy conditions, it wasn’t long before everyone started to capitalise on their shots.
John racked up the slams, recording a Bumpie slam on the third day, this special feat comprising of a 90cm Bumpie, an 82cm GT and a nice sized Bonefish. John continued the good fishing with a 90cm GT the following day and a Trigger Slam the next. These included a 50cm Moustache Trigger, an 85cm GT, a Bonefish and numerous other species. Tom got to tussle with some solid GTs this week and managed to land four fish, all between 75-86 cm. Chad also got into the GT action with five fish ranging 70-90cm. He also managed to land 48cm & 58cm Moustache Triggers, an 82cm GT and a solid Bonefish on the final day. Erik later showed great perseverance and after a lost Bumpie he held his nerve and converted a shot at what proved to be a 77cm GT that was seen cruising with a shark over a white sandy flat.
With the wind making casting very tricky over the first few days some shots did Andy showed the group how it’s done landing his first GT for the week towards the back end of the trip and then another on the final day, the fish measuring 75cm & 85cm. Dave also got in on the action landing a solid Geet of 84cm to go along with all the Bones and species he had racked up through the week. Michael unfortunately lost a large GT of 90cm which he had hooked his 8wt. Randy put in some serious casting time with the 12wt this week. Despite some near misses he kept at it and the atoll rewarded his persistence with a solid GT of 86cm. David also hooked a GT on his 9wt and fought the fish for a while before it cut him off. He did however manage to get two solid Napoleon wrasse on the 9wt, with fish of 52cm and 60cm respectively, rounding off his trip with two very special fish. Marilyn got well and truly stuck into some big Bones during the week with her biggest measuring an impressive 69cm. Congrats!
On top of the GT’s, some really good Bones were caught by every one of our guests despite the tough windy conditions. The species count too was solid, good numbers of Triggers and Bumpies encountered throughout the week although we did lose more than our fair share. There were a few Permit and Milkfish around as well but we’ll need to wait until next week capillaries on one or two of them, unfortunately only the bluewater fishing not really providing any opportunities due to the very rough conditions offshore. All in all the week was a huge success, our guests getting loads of shots and some really positive numbers coming to hand.
The new guest house and menu continue to impress, so much so that talk from the group indicated a return trip in the not too distant future, We look forward to having them, that’s for sure!
Until next week
the Farquhar Guide Team
- Farquhar Atoll – Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com
- Farquhar Atoll – Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com
- Farquhar Atoll – Seychelles www.flycastaway.com info@flycastaway.com
Tags: Bluefin Trevally, Bonefish, Bumphead Parrotfish, Costa Del Mar, Flats Fishing, Fly Fishing, FlyCastaway, G.Loomis Fly Rods, Giant Trevally, Milkfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Permit, Seychelles, Sight Fishing, Triggerfish, Wade Fly Reels, Wild Coolers