Farquhar: 21 – 28 March 2018

Farquhar Blog: 21-28 March 2017

Our guests were greeted by flat calm conditions on their first fishing morning on Farquhar. The Milkfish were seen feeding in huge numbers on the surface on the inside of the lagoon, this activity lasted for a few hours in the morning until the wind picked up and put the fish down. We obviously enjoyed the session immensely but sadly no hook ups were encountered.

Farquhar Atoll - Seychelles
info@flycastaway.comThis exciting session did however set the tone for the week and with all our guests being first time visitors to Farquhar we knew they were in for a treat. Petro managed to land a GT of 105cm and another of 77cm. He also had fun catching large numbers of Bones, a Picasso Trigger and some impressive grouper and snapper species.

IMG_0533His good friend Daniele racked up good numbers of Bones throughout the week. He also got to tussle with a few GTs (some winning the battle) but he did end up with two solid fish, an a 87cm and 78cm. He also landed a decent Moustache Trigger of 51cm and on the final day he got a decent Napoleon Wrasse who shattered his rod into 7 pieces…good news being he still landed the fish.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs the week progressed the wind remained low and direction constant which meant there was an inevitable build-up of warm water. Drifting over likely spots gave us opportunities to cover water and find fish ….and find fish we did. Most of the of the GTs landed this week were spotted swimming on sting rays and sharks. There were some free swimming targets though, Bill’s 78cm and 82cm GTs both sighted cruising on their own. On top of these great fish, Bill got to sample the huge variety of species on the atoll as he landed numerous different species including a huge 80cm Boha Snapper. His good friend Charlie also got stuck into some Farquhar specials including an 80cm GT, some good Bones and a host of other species.

The Bumpies were around in solid numbers, with over 300 spotted tailing on one day alone mid-week. If memory serves all the anglers hooked fish during the week, sadly though non came to hand. They’re not and easy fish to land though and that’s one of the reasons they are such a desired target species.

IMG_0624There were really high numbers of Bones around on the atoll this week, including some big singles and doubles. Kay and Sharon got stuck into the big bones recording catches of 66 and 67cm bones respectively, Luigi also getting in on the action with a solid 57cm Bonefish. Kay had a great weak and demonstrated some great fishing skills as she landed two GT’s for the week, including a 95cm fish which was spotted on top of a ray. Sharon landed some truly special fish as well, including a 50cm Permit as well as 91cm ,77cm & 70cm GT’s.

IMG_0833Always a pleasant surprise, good numbers of Golden Trevally were seen on the atoll during the week. Although a few of them came unstuck, Sharon stuck hers good and landed a 60cm fish that couldn’t resist a crab pattern. Michele and Matteo experienced a great session for them in particular, between them landing some beautiful specimens including fish of 81cm, 80cm and 71cm. Michele had really fished well, on top of the Golden she got, she landed four  GT’s for the week (82cm,72cm,68cm and a 67cm) as well as the only recorded Indian Mirror Trevally on fly.

DSC_0330Amongst a bunch of other species, Matteo  landed a solid 82cm GT which had been spotted cruising the surf, whilst Sandro had an impressive week landing good numbers of Bones, three GTs (the biggest 93cm), a really nice Bluefin and a memorable Napoleon wrasse. All in all, a superb week of fishing on Farquhar with a diverse range of species landed and some impressive catches.

Until next week

The Farquhar Guide Team


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