Providence Blog: 19-27 March 2018

Providence Blog: 19 – 27 March 2018

SAM_4682Our second group of guests for the season were a bunch of great guys led by Peter McLeod of Aardvark McLeod. The week started off exceptionally well, with good numbers of GTs landed on the first day. A big congrats to Igor for landing his first GT on fly, the fish measuring a solid 85cm. George too joined the GT club soon after, landing a few great Triggerfish as well to get his trip underway.

DSCF0258The weather and fishing for the rest of the week was great, with solid numbers of fish coming to hand. Mark, Peter and Igor all managed to get  Triggerfish Slams, the huge numbers of them tailing across the flats throughout week providing some exceptional fishing. The Bumpy fishing was also really good with large numbers hooked and Brummy, Peter, Mark and Joern all managing to landing their first Bumphead before the trip was done.

IMG_3503Although not advertised as a Bonefish venue, Providence can provide some spectacular Bonefishing for some very large fish. We experienced some great skinny water action this week with some solid fish coming to the net, including a stonker of 10lbs which was landed by Mark. Congrats!


IMG_3887Two very special GT’s were landed during the week in between the solid numbers, Alex’s well-conditioned fish of 108cm taken on the second day of the week and Joern’s 123cm fish of lifetime once again showing that in terms of average size and one’s chance of landing a real trophy, Providence is right up there as one of the finest GT fisheries on the planet. Well done guys!

DSCF1119Two Sailfish were also landed this week which added a nice touch to the species count. Although the Milkies were around in small numbers this week, Fred managed to get stuck into a solid fish in stoppage time and tick off a species that has been playing on his mind for a few years now. Congrats Fred! Overall the species fishing was incredible, the highlight of the week however being Joern’s mature Saddleback Grouper which was pulled off a coral head in a remote lagoon on the eastern side.

By the end of the trip everyone had caught some great fish and it was clear they had been thoroughly impressed by this incredible fishery. Total count for the week was as follows:

  • GTs-70
  • Bones-22
  • Triggers-18
  • Bumpies-6
  • Milks-1
  • Sailies-2
  • Total other species-120

Until next week

The Providence Guide team

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