Farquhar Blog: 16 – 23 November 2018

Farquhar Blog: 16 – 23 November 2018

IMG_2328The 7thweek of our September – December season on Farquhar saw the return of the prevailing South East wind and with it a few heavy downpour. For the most part however, the weather was fair with good light , elements essential for spotting fish. Tidal wise we started on neap tides heading into the early stages of springs as the week progressed. All of our guests enjoyed some solid Bonefishing with everyone landing good numbers, sizes ranging from 45 – 65cm. As 6 of our guests this week were new to salt water fly fishing getting their first Bonefish on fly was really special and enjoyed by all.


The GT fishing this week was slow on the flats as we only managed to hook 7 fish and convert 5. Huey did manage to land his first ever GT on fly and to make it more special it was on a 9wt. Ferdi managed to land a GT of 75cm off the back of a ray while drifting over a turtle grass flat. Justin landed a solid 89cm fish during an off-shore session. There were other GTs caught by Dirk and Jack of 60cm and 59cm respectively. The Bluefin Trevally were around in solid numbers and we managed to land a few ranging from 60-75cm.

This week the Bumphead Parrotfish fishing was slightly tougher than normal, a few scattered pods encountered across the atoll, with 5 fish hooked but unfortunately none coming to hand.

IMG_4316The Triggers were seen tailing during particular periods of the tides and of the 4 hooked 2 were successfully landed. Father and son Ferdi and Eugene got a Moustache Trigger each within a short period of each other during a surf walk. Eugene landed a solid 58cm Moustache Trigger after having seen the fish tailing hard on a turtle grass patch, he put the fly close to the fish and it crushed the fly. Ferdi’s fish was caught in the same area ,a 55cm Moustache Trigger giving them the perfect start to the day.

IMG_4408-2The diversity of this fishery ensured our guests rods remained bent throughout the week, as the species fishing was particularly good including some very large Groupers. Justin who has been coming to Farquhar for years and trying to catch a Napoleon Wrasse finally ticked his box landing a Napoleon Wrasse of 73cm. Epic fish Justin, well done!

With the GT fishing tougher than normal this week Farquhar still produced some special fish and got a few more newcomers hooked on the sport. We hope to see them all of them again soon.

Until next week

The Farquhar Guide Team

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